Thursday 28 January 2010

Public Speaker Bernie De Souza Is Passionate About Peak Performance

Bernie De Souza is passionate about helping people achieve their best. That's why he has written two books detailing how to get more out of life. The latest is fast becoming a goal setting bible called 'Your Success is.... Hidden in Your Daily Routine'.

He has used the book in recent months to encourage individuals and businesses to look at the small things that hold them back and change routines that clog success.

He has spent a working lifetime motivating sporting greats and has also enjoyed doing the same for businesses and individuals.

He is currently using the profiling and motivational techniques that have made him famous to help a top UK sports communicate and work better together and shows audiences at events around the world how they can make personal and business improvements to their lives too,.

Through his engaging and humorous talks audiences are discovering the personality DNA that makes everyone special and are accessing hidden personality traits to improve client relations, customer service and satisfaction.

His latest Keynote speeches highlight the importance of not taking people at face value and why individuals need to be loved and appreciated and why employees achieve more having fun rather than being glum.

He demonstrates the danger of placing a round peg in a square hole and why some people make dynamic leaders and others are better in nurturing roles or jobs requiring a questioning, methodical or reasoning mind.

Bernie has personally enjoyed tremendous personal and business success but he also knows from personal experience what it is like to lack personal self belief. He benefited from the encouragement of others when he was growing up as a young sportsman and learned many motivational techniques later as an air force Physical Training instructor who not only trained Olympians as part of his job.

It was doing that work that made him realise the different coping strategies Olympians have to focus on their goals. He studied these processes and developed them further to help other sporting greats as well as individuals and businesses wanting to raise their game.

In the last year alone, businesses of varying size in public relations, sales,catering, financial services and retail have reported increased profits and improvements in personal performance, customer relations, team building and sales.

Apart from his motivational skills, Bernie has grown the personal profiling techniques which have since made him famous around the world.

He came across them years ago when he first began working with leading sports personalities in various sports as well as an MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club) teacher and coach.

The professional motivator, author and speaker was delighted that Dr Robert Rohm, the inventor of the D.I.S.C. Profiling system he has used for twenty years as an accredited trainer, praised the advanced process he developed to help businesses meet the needs of the 21st century. He was pleased that it had a very warm reception when it was unveiled at a 'Personality Profiles' conference in the USA and is finding favour on both sides of the Atlantic.

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