Thursday 28 January 2010

Motivation experts rave about professional speaker Bernie De Souza

Body language and relationship expert Allan Pease rates fellow professional speaker Bernie De Souza so highly he encourages him to speak at enagements in Australia and has written the foreword to Bernie's latest book.

Endorsing Amazon favourite Your Success Is....Hidden In Your Daily Routine the popular motivational speaker says: "Bernie is a lively and memorable speaker who will give you the building blocks to success. "

It is typical of Bernie that big time names are lining up to endorse the skills he has spent a lifetime fine tuning first of all on cricket pitches where he first began to make a name for himself before joining the RAF (Royal Air Force) where he first developed a skill for training top talent.

It was there he first realised the differences in Olympic training and attitudes and realised first hand that self belief is important in sport and in life; a trait he witnessed first hand in the training rooms in the force where he met his first Olympians Daley Thompson, Linford Christie and Steve Cram who each approached success differently and all benefitted from his wisdom and knowledge.

There have been many sporting greats, individuals and business teams since who have benefitted from wise counselling and personality profiling expertise of this world acclaimed motivational speaker and trainer.

Professional speaker Bernie De Souza has shared centre stage with famous figures such as explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Rugby ace Will Carling, Rugby ace, billionaire businessman Robert Kiyosaki, Olympian Kriss Akabusi and BBC presenter and football hero Alan Hansen since he made the brave decision to quit his military career to follow a hunch that he could achieve greatness in Business.

Fortunately he was right and went on to make a fortune running a major sales empire which required him to address vast audiences in the biggest auditoriums like the NEC and NIA in the world to motivate business owners and sales teams.In the last decade there have been standing ovations many times for his action packed motivational talks.Today the member of the Professional Speakers Association gets rave revues for the quality of his talks and workshops about helping businesses beat recession by beefing up their sales and customer relations techniques.

Bernie is proud that he has been given personal survival advice from legendary adventurer Sir Ranulph Fiennes and top tips from Robert Kiyosaki, the best selling author and billionaire businessman who have both appeared at events with him. He believes it is good to have heroes and is pleased that word has got around that he is special too.

Apart from Olympians and famous sports teams he has motivated, there are countess individuals who have reason to thank Bernie for inspiring them to achieve more out of life. He practices what he preaches including the personality profiling techniques which have made him famous – skills he learned personally from the creator of a system called Personality Insights created by Dr Robert Rhone who is his personal mentor and admirer.

Even without the tools and techniques in his hand Bernie De Souza has become so skilled at personality profiling that he can tell at a glance what sort of individual he is dealing with and what sort of sales or business approach would work best. He can even tell a personality from the tone of voice on a telephone and has developed a set of instructions which he demonstrates on stage at his professional speaking engagements.

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