Thursday 28 January 2010

Award Winning Writer Works With Bernie De Souza

Action Coach Business Writer Award Winner Carla Delaney has been engaged by Leamington Spa based professional speaker Bernie De Souza to help coach speakers at his new speaker nursery's in 2010.

The business editor who was selected as the best business journalist in London and the South East last November will also help raise the event and personal profile of Mr De Souza who motivates and inspires top sports personalities and creates a hothouse for national sports teams to work as one.

She will use the experience working with other public speakers as well as expertise as an award winning consumer journalist to expand website work she supplied previously and write about his forthcoming events and successes as a professional public speaker and event organiser.

He is lining up an exciting range of events and training programmes based on his expertise as a sales coach as well as motivator and inspiration behind some top names in sport, past and present.

He is currently working with a national squad with advice about the Personality Profiling which has made him famous around the world as well as the tips and techniques he has for harmonising teams and motivating them to aspire to continued greatness.

In his early days as a motivational physical training instructor in the Royal Air Force Mr De Souza rubbed shoulders with top names in their bid to become Olympic greats – people such as Daley Thompson and Linford Christy.

Later on he has had the benefit of working with motivationalists like him who present at events about their personal experiences and skills. The line up has included adventurer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, business motivator Allan Pease, Rugby ace Will Carling, billionaire businessman Robert Kiyosaki and BBC presenter and football personality Alan Hansen.

They have all shared centre stage at top venues seating thousands where they have received standing ovations for their action packed motivational talks.

Professional speaker Bernie De Souza gets rave revues himself for the quality of his talks and workshops about helping businesses beat recession by beefing up their sales and customer relations techniques.

The people profiling expert who works with the famous MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club) and top sports personalities as well as businesses, knows at a glance the personality traits that make customers different and many sales techniques which work wonders.

Not for him bland robotic sales calls but personalised chat which fosters long lasting relationships and the promotion of customer interaction and quality service.

As a long time user of a specialist personality profiling system developed over twenty years ago in America by renowned educator Dr Robert Rohm, he knows how to read people like a book.

Seeing companies go under in recession has made him sad and he is currently helping firms feel good about themselves by showing them a variety of techniques to sharpen up face to face communication and telephone contact - skills that have made him famous as a professional motivational speaker, leadership coach and sales trainer.

Bernie De Souza has spent a lifetime honing his people and motivational skills. His love of cricket and football has helped him inspire top sports men and women, who, like him at humble beginnings.

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