Thursday 28 January 2010

Professional Speaker Helps Businesses Find Buried Treasure

Top leadership and motivational speaker Bernie De Souza helps companies find their buried treasure – people working for them.

Sometimes they are apparently lack lustre people marking time in jobs that don't suit them. Bernie's skill is showing managers how to unlock the hidden potential which everyone has.

He knows the power of understanding personalities after years of using and developing a special personality profiling system first developed by Dr Robert Rohm. Bernie is an accredited trainer of the excellent Personality Insights process which he often highlights at events on stage in a joint presentation with its American creator.

Bernie has fine tuned and developed the process further to help the top sporting personalities he coaches as well as business leaders and owners who want to get the most out of themselves and their employees.

Bernie personally is so skilled with the profiling process that he can actually tell at a glance the type of person he is dealing with and therefore the best approach to get them motivated.

He is also known around the world for the work he does helping sports men and women at the top of their profession get the most out of their skills and uses his motivational talents and profiling skills jointly to make the most of their potential too.

He says: “I help sports teams and business owners find the success that is hidden in their daily lives, something I have also written about in my latest book.”

He is proud of the book, 'Your Success Is....Hidden In Your Daily Routine' because it is filled with his observations on the things we all do wrong in our lives and the small things that can make a big difference.

Other professional speakers think Bernie and his methods are spot on, even people who are actually known in the field for their human behavioural skills, people such as the noted Allan Pease, who actually endorses Bernie's book with the words: "Bernie is a lively and memorable speaker who will give you the building blocks to success. "

It is typical of Bernie that big time names are lining up to endorse the skills he has spent a lifetime fine tuning first of all on cricket pitches where he first began to make a name for himself before joining the RAF (Royal Air Force) where he first developed a skill for training top talent.

It was there he first realised the differences in Olympic training and attitudes and realised first hand that self belief is important in sport and in life; a trait he witnessed first hand in the training rooms in the force where he met his first Olympians Daley Thompson, Linford Christie and Steve Cram who each approached success differently and all benefitted from his wisdom and knowledge.

There have been many sporting greats, individuals and business teams since who have benefitted from wise counselling and personality profiling expertise of this world acclaimed motivational and leadership speaker. He is currently working with a top England sporting squad in the UK with their communication skills as well as other sporting greats who he regularly mentors.

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