Thursday 28 January 2010

Polo Club Restaurant Ahead In The Service Stakes Thanks To Public Speaker - Bernie De Souza

Motivational public speaker Bernie De Souza enjoyed helping a restaurant at a classy polo club in his home town of Leamington Spa keep ahead in the customer stakes.

High on the success of his latest book, 'Your success ...Is In your Daily Routine' and performances on stage in large auditoriums such as the NIC and NIA in Birmingham, De Souza was confident he could make a difference to staff serving high worth clients attending matches at the quality Silchar Polo Club.

Credited with giving the victorious West Indies and Pakistan cricket treams a winning mindset, the Warwick based peak performance and people profiling specialist ran regular training sessions at the Club Bar and Restaurant run by Northampton restaurateur Kas Mia.

There was plenty at stake because the restaurant was living up to a name which first came to prominence in India where two army officers named their club in Manipur the Silchar Club in 1859.

Bernie De Souza showed the staff at the club and a sister restaurant in Northampton how small lapses in thought create big problems in fast moving service environments. As a successfully people profiler himself he was able to show waiters and bar staff how to read their clients properly and adapt the service to the personalities involved.

“I help and implement changes in their lives that will help them achieve more and to be more. These are tried and tested techniques that have been proven to work and to make real and profound changes,” he says.

Bernie is noted for speeches as a professional public speaker and motivator around the world, inspiring audiences to make small changes to their lives which make a big difference.

He has also addressed huge audiences about his personal successes on stage with the likes of business motivator Allan Pease, explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Rugby ace Will Carling, billionaire businessman Robert Kiyosaki and BBC presenter and football personality Alan Hansen.

He gets rave revues for the quality of his talks and workshops about helping businesses beat recession by beefing up their sales and customer relations techniques, just as he has done at the Silchar Club.

The people profiling expert who works as a coach at the famous MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club) and top sports personalities as well as businesses, knows at a glance the personality traits that make customers different. He knows what encourages people to buy goods and services. He can even tell from the way they talk on the phone what sort of sales chat works best.

Not for him bland robotic sales calls but personalised chat which fosters long lasting relationships and the promotion of customer interaction and quality service.

As a long time user of a specialist Personality Insights D.I.S.C. profiling system developed over twenty years ago in America by renowned business inventor Dr Robert Rohm, he knows how to read people like a book.

Seeing companies go under in recession has made him sad and he is currently helping firms feel good about themselves by showing them a variety of techniques to sharpen up face to face communication and telephone contact - skills that have made him famous as a professional motivational speaker, leadership coach and sales trainer.

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